Sunday, September 23, 2007

Re-charging my Batteries

On Friday I had my first midterm. I was feeling pretty decent about it going in. We were able to take in a 8.5x11 formula sheet also, so I had that little extra boost of confidence right there. So what happened 5 mins into the test? My calculator crapped out. It serves me right though, since my TI-83 had been telling me it was low on battery power since Labor Day.

So not on speaking terms with Duracell right now.

So I'm taking the batteries out of the calculator, rubbing them, switching their position, somehow trying to buck the forces nature and reverse the chemical process, and resuscitate my calculator for just the next hour and a half. No dice. I go up to the front of the class, and I tell the professor my calculator just died and he's looking around, not sure what to do. He follows me back to my seat and he taps the guys sitting next to me on the shoulder and says, "Hey, can you share your calculator with John?". So obviously I object, telling my professor that there's no way it's fair to make the guy share his calculator with me. I know at Michigan the culture is all about helping one another and spreading the love, but that was a lot to ask, even for Ann Arbor. Luckily I was able to borrow my classmate's Treo and I used the calculator function. The only problem was that some girl kept calling during the test and I sent her to voicemail 3 or 4 times. I was ridiculously frazzled, and I was pretty sure I bombed the test. Everyone was congregated outside the school talking about how they all thought they failed, and it was music to my ears. And when an ambulance pulled up and brought a stretcher inside the business school I officially knew it was okay because at least I didn't pass out during the test. But you do what you do and then you move on, and that night I had two friends coming in from NY.

This was my second visit from friends since the school year started and both weekends I had friends in town have been the two best weekends I've had up at school. So thank you Steven, Sean, Bos, and Chiiinese. Yesterday was another one of those beautiful days where you start at 10am you go straight to 2am and you kill it at the tailgate, your team wins, and you kill it on the dance floor after the game, and then you take down a burrito at 2am, and then you get home and you've sweat through your shirt and your shorts, and then you shower, eat a piece of rye bread, and sleep the sleep of kings. Some people, who won't be named on this blog, apparently like to add urinating in the kitchen garbage to that list, but that's a story for another day.

Target sponsored one heck of a tailgate on Saturday for the business school students. They even gave out long-sleeved t-shirts, and FingerTheBlog lurves him some freebees. Notice how the savvy former marketing man on the right makes sure the logo is facing out. Count those free impressions. They just don't teach that stuff in business school.

And before I forget, best shirt of the weekend award goes to a Penn State fan who wore a t-shirt that read "Ann Arbor is a whore". Simple, yet creative. It was a perfect gameday and a day in which I realized that it's best to tailgate in Vineyard Vines belts because as you sweat through your clothing, there's no leather dye that stains your belt line. Yours truly wears this one...

Of course none of this makes a difference when you end up wearing some drunk girl's Jack and Coke. Sunday was clean up day, and I was back grinding, going to meetings and getting ready for the school week. I'm just excited at the prospect of only having to wear a suit for recruiting once this week. Anyway, I'm exhausted and as much as I love gamedays, I'm looking forward to watching the game on TV this coming Saturday. Bed is calling. Sweet dreams.


Anonymous said...

nice one..but I am breathlessly awaiting kitchen garbage edition

Anonymous said...

I heard the garbage-peeing bandit struck again last weekend in NYC. Only this time, the victim was a little blond girl's floor ...