Thursday, June 7, 2007

Subpar Shooting


LeBron James shot 4-16 in game one of the NBA finals, and I, taking on the ordering duties at dinner tonight (Congee Village) went a lousy 2-5. I think the quote that summed up dinner the best was "at least the beer was good". Whatever, it was good company. In a future blog I might discuss why people are so averse to eating bean curd. Is it because of the texture, is it because we are permanently scarred from hearing that Miss Muffet almost got her freaking hand bitten off by a spider when she tried to eat curds, is it because bean curd is just so damn passive when it just sits there on the plate. Actually I'm pretty sure I'll lose all four of my readers if I ever addressed the bean curd issue.

Anyway, I'm planning on going "off the grid" this weekend. I'm leaving my imaginary blackberry at home, and I'm leaving my imaginary laptop at home as well. I don't have a blue tooth ear piece, but I want one just so I can say ridiculous things in the grocery store and when someone turns to look I can just shrug and point at the ear piece like I'm actually having a conversation.

Me: "What? Your dog is racist?"
Old Lady Shopper: (Giving me dirty looks)
Me: (Pointing to blue tooth ear piece and giving her a look that says "hey lady, don't judge, it's not my dog that's racist, it's my buddy's dog")

The only way I'll be able to communicate with the outside world is through the sweet sweet smoke signal goodness emanating from my grill. I'll be cooking tofu burgers all weekend. Until next week...


Anonymous said...

toe food

Unknown said...

The blog gets better with each entry!