Friday, November 7, 2008

About that Vote...

...I rocked that ish. It's been a gorgeous week in Ann Arbor, and I'm sitting in my apartment, the sun is setting and I'm listening to The Isley Brothers greatest hits, which I most certainly did not download illegally from the internets. I think voting in a college town is particularly interesting because students get really fired up and emotional about voting. Unfortunately, on Tuesday people were getting fired up because the lines to vote were really long, and the A-M line was waaaay long than the N-Z line. True, there are probably more people with last names with A-M than N-Z, but what made it worse was that the woman volunteer who was doing the paperwork at the front of the A-M line was so damn slow it was painful. The reason she was slow was kind of amusing though. See, this woman was probably pushing close to three bills, and she had decided to rest her breasts on the table for support or whatever. The problem arose when she had to find people's names to sign them in and give them the voting materials because her breasts kept blocking her view of the names. So basically a local woman's breasts almost thwarted democracy in Ann Arbor on Tuesday. But we prevailed, as did Obama, and Obama supporter or not you gotta be at least a little excited. How Obama can possibly live up to all these expectations, I just don't know, but I'm interested to see how this all is going to play out. So that was last Tuesday and I'm going to take it back to last weekend for a Halloween recap.

For whatever reason I'm apparently 9 years old and I got an ear infection last week, which meant I had to go on meds, and thus had to curb all alcohol consumption, which was fine, but it's a lot easier to get fired up about Halloween after a couple of porch sodas, ya know? I went to a Halloween party last Friday, not dressed up and ready to just say hello and then head back home. But a funny thing happened on the way to the party. I just looked around at all the crazy nonsense walking the streets of Ann Arbor and I started getting jealous of all the fun I was going to miss out on. When I arrived at the party I went up to my buddy who wasn't dressed up either and I said very simply, "we need to get costumes and we need to go to Rick's". So in a matter of 20 minutes we had rustled up some costumes and were ready to rock. And let me tell you, Rick's was an absolute shit show. Dogs making out with cats, Borats making out with Crayola Crayons, bananas making out with Pocahontases...complete insanity. There were some inappropriately awesome costumes this year which again makes me hope I never have a daughter. I think the most ridiculous costume was one I saw last Thursday. Some girl was outside at 1am in red boyshorts/underwear and a bra and she was standing face pressed to the wall of the parking garage across the street from my place, I'm assuming trying to grab some warmth from the wall or something (I don't think she was sober). Every single car slowed down to look at her, and shady guys were yelling to her from out their cars as if she was literally a prostitute. I'm still not sure if she was actually a student or a real life prostitute because I still can't figure out what her costume could've been aside from "Whore". Like does Ricky's sell prepacked "Whore" costumes like they do Snow White and Naughty Nurse or whatever? Maybe. For whatever reason there were an abundance of smurfs this year, which always reminds me of this clip from Family Guy...

On a college campus the best part of Halloween is seeing girls in costume walk home in the morning. I would easily drop a large sum of money to see the girl who dressed as a Smurf (blue face and body paint and all) walk home through the Diag in the morning. Yeah, I'm going to miss college when I leave this place. What I will not miss are those damn crows which are back again this year. As documented back last November these crows or as I call them, messengers of the devil, have decided to wake me up at ungodly hours the past week with their caw-ing. I am literally thinking of hiring some redneck to shoot them. In the event I don't get torn to shreds by these birds I'll be making my way "downtown" to Main St. this evening to see what's good in the A2. I'm guessing probably not too much, but it's worth a try. Have a good weekend loyal readers. Caw.

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