The first year of business school is officially in the books. I was out in San Fran for a few days last week presenting our final recommendations to the client. I definitely learned a lot about startups in the last 6-7 weeks, and I guess a lot about business in general. One observation, and it relates more to just the business world, is that sometimes the best move is to step outside what you know and take a chance on something different. As it related to our project, we were dealing with a very bright guy who had such tunnelvision as to how he wanted to see his company move forward that he just wasn't willing to consider alternatives that made sense. Bottom line, it's not my money, so he can do whatever the hell he wants, but we all did our best at shedding some light on the thing.
This blog will officially be going on academic hiatus starting right now. And speaking of end of the school year, I'm going to try to set a record for how many times I can watch Dazed and Confused this summer. All right all right all right. Today was graduation for the entire school here at Michigan. I guess for me and my business school friends, Matthew McConaughey's character Wooderson sums it up best when he says "That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age." Substitute "college girls" for "high school girls", and isn't that what the end of this school year is all about?