Monday, January 4, 2010

Already Tired Of/In 2010

I really intended to blog over my vacation but somehow it just never happened. Oh well. Fresh start, fresh year, freshly exhausted from my 9:10pm flight last night that took off at 12:45am, and not hitting the hay until 3:45am this morning. So much for starting off the work week/year fresh. I was gone from work for a week and truthfully I didn't expect a full inbox when I got in this morning. Nobody emails me. I had a handful of emails, nothing particularly earth-shattering. I did have one interesting email though. It was a meeting request for a meeting that is taking place December 16th 2010. So just so you know, at 3:45 on December 16th I'm busy. Seeing December 16th 2010 on my calendar actually made me slightly nauseated. I'm trying to take this new year one day at a time, but a meeting December 16th? Really. For all I know I could be a baby daddy by December 16th. I could be living in Yemen by December 16th. A lot can happen between now and then, so why the rush?

While you and your friends engaged in some friendly gun play over the holidays I was catching up on sleep, getting sun, and being nursed back to health by my grandparents. I knew when I heard about it that the Gilbert Arenas gun incident would 100% be blog fodder. You see, Gilbert Arenas, or as he is known in the blogosphere, Agent Zero, was one of the main reasons I started blogging back in 2007. Gil's blog which I think he's now scrapped in favor of Twitter and other such media outlets was one of the first legit blogs written by an athlete. He wrote about anything and everything, and I read him religiously. And now he's pulling guns on friends, but I hear that's "very 2010". Sometimes I feel like my blog is lacking juice, but you don't go see me pulling guns on people to liven things up. As much as I like Gilbert Arenas the blogger, and the Gilbert Arenas the basketball player, I really think he should be asked to leave the NBA. Just my two cents on that.

And here are my two cents on 2010. Everyone is too optimistic about 2010. Most people were ready to kiss 2009 goodbye. As for me, well, 2009 was one of the most fun, fulfilling, enjoyable years I've ever had. I doubt that in any year in the near future I'll do as much cool traveling and see as many interesting things. I suppose I'll just have to rely on the NYTimes travel section and acid flashbacks for the foreseeable future. Right now all I have to look forward to in 2010 is a meeting on December 16th. I exaggerate, but I'm still holding onto 2009, at least for a few more weeks until I get reimbursed for my December dinner and cab receipts from work.

There are a lot of things I want/want to see happen in 2010. The only question is whether I'll make it happen or whether I'll be blogging about not making it happen a year from now. Ooooh so much pressure. Right now I just want one thing though. Bed. A belated Happy New Year to you all.


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