Sunday, January 4, 2009

I Got a Feeling 2009 is Going to be Kind of Awesome

Hello 2009. Classes start tomorrow and I think I'm ready to get going on this new semester. I've got Susan Sarandon narrating Discovery Channel's Planet Earth for me this evening, while I chow down on a burrito and blog...and such is the life of a business school student. Winter Break, I believe, is reason enough to go back to graduate school. I spent break down in Florida with family, eating right, relaxing, and soaking the Vitamin D from the sun. Almost 3 weeks later I'm ready to rock in 2009. These poor seals stand no chance against this Great White shark by the way. It's like me trying to outrun a killer school bus with razor-sharp teeth. Anyway, Ann Arbor is no Palm Beach. For example last night I went out with some friends in Ann Arbor and enjoyed some local beers during a 10p-midnight happy hour, while listening to a pretty good cover band at an Irish Pub. In Palm Beach the scene is different. One night some kid had some people push his Lamborghini out of a parking spot, and then proceeded to get in and peel out of the parking lot at many miles per hour. Everyone at the bar probably thought the kid was a complete tool. That type of thing just doesn't happen in Ann Arbor. I think snow tires on a Lamborghini would probably look stupid anyway.

Before I left I cashed in on some free burritos from Chipotle. In Ann Arbor they were giving out burritos, and apparently in Palm Beach they were giving away tremendously largely tremendous diamond engagement rings. A couple years ago they were giving out these in Palm Beach...

Bentley Continentals for EVERYONE!!!

This year it's diamond rings. Maybe they grow on trees down there, or maybe they are given out like samples of iced mocha lattes at Starbucks. It's pretty shocking really. Now I know some of these kids cannot possibly afford such trinkets, so I'm just going to assume that they've just gotten extremely proficient at jewel theft. Maybe I'll explore starting a jewel theft cooperative in my Entrepreneurial Studies class this term.

I've decided to put Finance and Accounting behind me and explore some of the other types of classes offered here at Michigan. I'm taking a negotiations class, which I absolutely know will give me some blog fodder.

That's really all I got. This is second semester senior year all over again. Everyone's all "dude, we gotta go out hard" and there's something to be said for that. We'll see who is all talk and who is for real I guess. All I know is that I'll appreciate Second Semester Senior Year: Part Two way more than I appreciated Second Semester Senior Year: Part One.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That lambo was rented