Saturday, December 13, 2008

Love Me, Love my Sweater

I'm outy 5000. Off to Florida for Winter Break. A new tradition that I've adopted during the holidays since I've been at school has become what I'm going to call the "Kitchen Sink Omelet Jambaroo". This entails making an omelet with every perishable item in my fridge and pushing myself as far as I can without throwing up. Tonight's omelet was pretty historical...eggs, roast beef, zucchini, cucumbers, and provolone, with a little bit of BBQ sauce to mask the nastiness, or add to the nastiness, I'm not sure. Waste not want not.

Exams are over and I have two other written deliverables due in the next couple of days, but it's nothing I can't do remotely from a computer. Thank you Steve Jobs. This whole winter break thing is a pretty sweet deal. In fact, it's so sweet I'm thinking about pursuing a dual degree so I can stick around one more year and get another set of summer vacation, winter breakage, and spring breakage. Sticking around one more year would also let me take advantage of the awesomely impressive new business school. If you want to see what $100 million can get you, come up and visit the new business school. It's state of the art, and incredibly environmentally friendly. In fact, it is so environmentally friendly that urinals don't use water. I don't understand how that's possible. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't urinals without water just called walls? Anyway, the main atrium aka the Winter Garden, is lit by what seems to be a few 60watt bulbs, but through some crazy smoke and mirror effect, some mice on treadmills, some well placed reflectors, and a splash of Kanye West, the entire building gets lit up from just a few small lights. It's definitely some black magic nonsense. There's also a fancy pants gym which is great because for just $99.99 for the semester you can now work out next to the annoying people you see all the time in class. I will not be joining, for the same reason I don't think I'd ever join a gym in the same building I worked in. It's kind of like separation of church and state. You feel me?

And something else I am totally feeling are these ugly sweater parties. I brought the sweater pictured below to Ann Arbor because a) I like it and b) it's warm as hell, and now it's become my "ugly sweater". I think ugly sweaters in the northeast can't hold a candle to ugly sweaters in the midwest.

And if you are wondering about the masks, a buddy is going abroad for the second semester (yes, that still happens, even in business school), so we made a few funnies over sake bombs and hibachi.

Pretty creepy. One of us joked that it would be funny if we all went in and robbed a bank while wearing the masks. What wasn't funny was when one of the guys above ended up in jail later that night. Oops. I guess that's the thing with sake bombs, they sneak up on you like whoa.

I'm as pale as I'm going to get, so it's time to sign off from Ann Arbor.

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